Donalyn Miller (she/her)

“I believe that every child should have the opportunity to fall in love with reading and develop reading proficiency. Adults must do whatever we can to support young readers with the resources and conditions they need.”


Donalyn Miller is an award-winning teacher, author, and professional development facilitator who has taught upper elementary and middle school language arts and social studies in Texas. Her teaching awards include TCTELA’s Elementary Language Arts Teacher of the Year (2011) and TEA State Finalist Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year (2010). In 2018, Donalyn was awarded TCTELA’s Edmund J. Farrell Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for her contributions to the language arts teaching profession.

Donalyn is the author or co-author of several books about creating engaging and inclusive reading communities for all young people, including The Book Whisperer (2009), Reading in the Wild (2013), Game Changer: Book Access for All Kids (co-written with Colby Sharp, 2018), The Joy of Reading (co-written with Teri Lesesne, 2022) and The Commonsense Guide to Your Classroom Library (co-written with Colby Sharp, 2022).

From 2014 to 2019, Donalyn served as Scholastic Book Fairs’ Ambassador of Independent Reading Advocacy. In this role, Donalyn traveled to conferences and schools as a reading ambassador, sat on several Scholastic Book Fairs’ advisory boards, and hosted the web-based teaching tips and book talk show The Book Whisperer: Back to the Books. Along with School Library Ambassador, John Schu, Donalyn co-edited the Reader Leader blog and co-hosted Scholastic Book Fairs’ annual Reading Summits.

With her collaborator Colby Sharp, Donalyn co-founded The Nerdy Book Club blog, which provides inspiration, book recommendations, resources, and advice about raising and teaching young readers. She is also the founder of the summer reading challenge, #bookaday.

Donalyn and her husband, Don, have two grown daughters and three grandchildren. They live in San Antonio atop a dragon’s hoard of books and comics.

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