Tiffany Jewell (she/her)
“I teach and write because I felt powerless when I was young. I was able to identify injustice. I knew what it looked like and felt like, but I didn’t have the language to talk about it. And I definitely did not know how to stand-up against oppressive systems.
I want readers to trust themselves, to be empowered to learn and grow, to take positive action in their communities, and to know that they are whole people who matter.”
Tiffany is the author of the #1 New York Times and #1 Indies bestselling book This Book Is Anti-Racist (Frances Lincoln, Quarto, January 2020), its companion journal (Frances Lincoln, Quarto, February 2021), The Antiracist Kid (Versify, HarperCollins, October 2022) and the forthcoming Everything I Learned About Racism I Learned In School (Versify, HarperCollins Winter 2024).
Tiffany also contributed to Recognize! An Anthology Honoring and Amplifying Black Life (Crown Books, RandomHouse, October 2021) and Raising Antiracist Children: A Practical Parenting Guide (Simon Element, Simon & Schuster, June 2022).
Tiffany has been working with young children and their families for two decades and served as a Lower Elementary (ages 6-9 years old) Montessori teacher for fifteen years. She developed an age appropriate curriculum about the history of racism and antiracism that hundreds of educators are currently using in their schools and classrooms. Tiffany enjoys exploring social justice with young learners specifically around the topics of identity, the history of racism and resistance, economic justice, climate justice, and the stories of immigration and migration. She continues to work with educators, supporting them in building strong, brave, and trusted communities in which every child can be seen, honored, and valued.
Tiffany is a Black biracial, cisgender, first-generation American who grew up in Syracuse, NY, the homeland of the Onondagas. She currently resides on the traditional homeland of the Nipmuck, Nonotuck, and Pocumtuc. She lives with her husband, two young storytellers, a turtle she’s had since she was nine years old, and a little dog with a big personality.
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