One School, One Book: One Unforgettable Community Experience
One School, One Book One Unforgettable Community Experience Imagine this: Every student, teacher, parent, caregiver, bus driver, custodian, administrator, and member of your school community agrees to read the same book at the same time. The book inspires projects...
Author Visits with the Andover Public Schools – This is How It’s Done!
Author Visits with the Andover Public Schools This is How It’s Done! Written by Alley Horn for The Author Village The Author Village is so fortunate to work with hundreds of school districts across the country (and world) to bring authors into classrooms. This past...
A Fireside Chat: School in 2020, What’s Working and What’s Not
School in 2020: What’s Working and What’s Not
Fine Tuning While Teaching in Three Different School Models
Three expert educators — Sara Ahmed, Chad Everett, and Pernille Ripp — are currently teaching in three different school re-entry models: in-person, hybrid/concurrent, and fully remote. Join them as they share real talk about teaching in this challenging moment in time.

Webinar: Supporting Joyful Reading During a Pandemic – Sustaining Communities
The fourth and final session of this series of fun, interactive workshops focused on how to create and sustain reading joy during these unusual times. Session features an appearance by author/illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi.

Webinar: Redefining Back-to-School Basics, Vol II: Working With What We Have Now
Learn to surf the change, sidestep the fatigue, and give kids what they need, working with the tools we already within the current paradigm.